25 October 2021

GitLab CE CVE-2021-22205 in the wild

A few months ago one of […]

5 October 2021

I’ve been published on Phrack!

It finally happened… After more than […]

27 September 2021

My last Solaris talk (not your average keynote)

It’s been a few days since […]

25 August 2021

ghidra2frida – The new bridge between Ghidra and Frida

Hi! Today I’m publishing a new […]

23 July 2021

OpenSSH ssh-agent Shielded Private Key Extraction (x86_64 Linux)

This is just a quick blog […]

9 June 2021

Know your enemy

On June 9th, I gave a […]

17 May 2021

ListingLover – Add pseudo-code to Ghidra disassembly

Hi! Today we have released another […]

4 May 2021

FOX – Fix Objective-C XREFs in Ghidra

Hi! This is my first article […]

6 April 2021

The INFILTRATE effect: 6 bugs in 6 months

What better way to inaugurate our […]

6 April 2021

Hello, world!

Hello, world! After 20+ years spent […]