Hack In Paris video and Brida demo plugins released


A few days ago, Hack In Paris published on YouTube the videos of the talks of the 2021 edition, including our talk on Brida 0.5!

The video of our talk “Easy” mobile penetration testing with Brida is available here.

In this talk, my colleague Piergiovanni and I showcased the improvements in the last version of our advanced mobile assessment tool, Brida. One of the main new features is the “Custom plugin” tab, that allows to create various types of Brida plugins directly from the graphical interface, without the need to write code.

We just added to the “Demo” folder of Brida’s repository the Frida code and the custom plugins that can be used to bypass the security features implemented in the Android and iOS demos, so that you can try them out yourself. The published plugins include those we showed during our demo and others of different types, in order to show examples of all the types of plugin Brida supports and how these plugins can help during mobile assessments.

The Android demo application implements Certificate Pinning with the OkHttp client, using certificates generated for the purpose for a fake hostname (“demo.hnsecfakedomain.it”). If the “hosts” file of the Android device is not modified to make “demo.hnsecfakedomain.it” point to the IP address of the Python server, the OkHttp client will raise an exception related to the invalid hostname, even if Certificate Pinning bypass is enabled. To bypass this hostname verification check, I wrote a little Frida hook that is already included in the JS code of the demo. This script can be also retrieved in the following locations:
